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Signs You Need To Call Your Local HVAC Experts

An HVAC system makes living in Florida bearable. Yet, we often neglect our units as they slowly buzz in the background, seldom paying attention to how they operate. Until they exhibit a problem, that is.

HVAC malfunctions can be tricky and it’s not easy to determine whether a DIY fix is the right choice or should you get in touch with qualified HVAC experts instead.

With that said, knowing what to look out for can eliminate the confusion and help you decide on how to tackle the repair.

Here are clear signs your system requires the services of HVAC experts.

1. Poor Cooling Performance

What should you do when you set your thermostat to cool or turn the heat up, but you feel your HVAC can’t reach the set temperature? This is a major problem that may require assistance from service experts HVAC.

Place your hand over the vent and check if the air is hot or cold (depending on whether you’re heating or cooling) and if not, reach out to a professional.

The underlying issue could be anything from low refrigerant levels due to a leak in the line, a serious clog, or dirty/frozen coils, among other things. Due to the complexity of the issue, you don’t want to waste any time on DIY fixes or performing troubleshooting, as you risk a complete breakdown of the system.

2. Strange Noises

A good indication you’ll experience some HVAC troubles soon is the appearance of strange noises. Clangs or bangs when the motor powers on are a huge red flag as the system should transition quietly into operating mode.

Similar to the previous issue, the culprit could be anything. The HVAC experts may only need to lubricate or tighten a few components, or they may have to conduct more expensive repairs such as fixing a refrigerant leak.

Regardless of the circumstances, shut down the system and call a pro as soon as you start hearing loud noises.

3. Unpleasant Smells

Did your HVAC suddenly start smelling a bit funky?

For instance, a moldy smell (similar to the smell of wet socks) can indicate there’s mold developing somewhere in the system. While this can require serious effort to resolve and lead to respiratory issues, it’s nothing compared to a burning smell.

Burning smells could be a sign that the wiring in your system is melting, which could lead to either a complete breakdown of the system or an electrical fire.

Fortunately, air experts HVAC can rush to your aid and resolve the issue before it puts your home in jeopardy.

4. No Airflow

One of the worst difficulties you could experience is no airflow as it can point to a failed circuit compressor.

Before reaching out to any of the local HVAC experts, it’s a good idea to check the air filter. We’ve seen cases where the filter was so dirty that it completely blocked the airflow in the system. If the air filter appears clean, you may be dealing with a more significant issue, though.

5. Short-cycling

Frequent short-cycling (system turning on and off in quick succession) is another potential problem requiring the assistance of HVAC experts. While it’s completely normal for units to run longer or shorter cycles on especially hot days, if the weather is nothing out of the ordinary, then we’re sad to say the system will need to be repaired.

This could happen due to poor maintenance, or in some cases, it may be a sign some components or the entire system have worn out and require replacement.

6. Excessive Bills

You may overlook some minor issues, but you’ll probably notice the fact your energy bill has spiked. This is a dead giveaway the HVAC is running so inefficiently that it’s wasting too much energy to compensate in order to reach the desired temperature.

The longer your units run in this state, the more money you’ll lose and increase the toll on the system, which could lead to further damage.

7. Water Leaks

Water puddles around your unit aren’t only damaging to your system, they can also cause property damage. Blocked condensation lines or excessive condensation formation in the system could lead to other issues that could leave you struggling without your
HVAC system.

But what if the liquid leaking from the HVAC isn’t the good ol’ water?

Even though refrigerant or freon quickly turns to gas after being exposed to air, it could also be the
refrigerant escaping through a leak in liquid form. Power off your unit right away and schedule an appointment with a certified technician. 

8. Rising Humidity Levels

In addition to providing cooling and heating, an HVAC system also removes the humidity from the indoor air. Even in Florida, the most humid state there is, you shouldn’t feel the humidity in your air when your unit is running as intended.

Taking this into consideration, if you suddenly feel your air is a bit too clammy and you’re not running a humidifier, you should have your system inspected. Not only is this a sign your HVAC may be malfunctioning, but the longer the problem persists, the higher the chance of developing a mold problem.

Help Is On The Way

While some of these issues may not render your HVAC completely inoperable, it’s just a matter of time before your cooling cuts off when you need it the most. This is precisely why you should schedule a service appointment immediately.

It’s also worth noting that the majority of these repairs are completely preventable. Regular maintenance can keep trouble at bay, extend the lifespan of your system, and ultimately, save you money on utility bills.

To work with the
best HVAC experts in Central Florida, get in touch with
Mid-Fla Heating & Air. Besides being available 24/7 for emergency repairs, we can also provide you with a maintenance plan that will keep your HVAC equipment running efficiently all year long.

Sounds good? Then call us at
561-750-1625 or fill out
our contact form to book an appointment, and we’ll be with you shortly.

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